Thursday, December 4, 2008


Mumbai was on the on the verge of bidding adieu to it’s yet another beautiful evening when terrorism once again realized everyone of its brutal and shameless existence.
Suddenly, the laughs, gatherings and giggles at TAJ, OBEROI, CST and NARIMAN HOUSE were replaced by horrifying screams and deafening gun fires.
The message was clear- “we will go on killing innocents and shudder your country’s economy; lets see what you can do?”

26/11, which turned out being a “BLACK WEDNESDAY” for not just Mumbai but for the entire nation, once again slapped a question over the existing security systems of our country.
Just a handful of terrorists armed with heavy explosives were set out to kill thousands of people and shatter the “heart of nation”-but still, our security agencies were busy doing NOTHING.

The combat lasted for nearly 50 difficult hours leaving 9 terrorists dead and 1 grounded, and even now, operation “BLACK TORNADO” is on its full fleet – in the form of growing anger for the so-called “politicians” amongst the people of India.
And even if we think of shifting our focus for a while, we have some really WONDERFUL leaders like NAKVI, ADVANI and of course RAJ THAKREY, to make sure that it never happens.
Take our BJP leader Aadvani for instance; he hardly cared of imparting a message of “political unity” to the nation even in this moment of crisis. And not to forget this bloody RAJ THAKREY and his MNS, who buried themselves 6-feet under when some “REAL outsiders” were traumatizing the entire city.

The Mumbai massacre has left India screaming in one voice “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”.
Till when we - the common people – will live on the edge?
Till when these terrorists keep ruling humanity?
Will we ever have a system that ACTUALLY does something other than making fake promises?
For how long will the country go on loosing its brave soldiers and officers?

I know it’s easy to question. But if we want to live free, then these questions need to be answered. There is no denying in the fact that India has the most stabilized democratic framework. The only problem is with the people or politicians forming a part of it. Many of us think that we can not bring in any change even if we want to, but let me assure you that merely using our Vito-power effectively can bring in a revolution.

So let’s make a promise to ourselves that we will always stand united whenever our national dignity will be questioned. From now on, we are no more Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christians but INDIANS.
It’s time to WAKE-UP from our virtual sleep.
It’s time to shape up our country with our own hands.
It’s time to seek justice for the loss of those innocents and their families who were no where at fault.

Or at least ; It’s time …